Medical Billing 101 – How to Manually Attach an EOB and Post Insurance Payments

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One of the most powerful components in DrChrono is the medical billing software. Though it can take some time to master, once you leap over that learning curve, you’ll find that effectively utilizing medical billing software will massively streamline your billing workflows and improve your results. The path to low denial rates, higher clean claims rates and higher payment collection starts here!

The first step in conquering the billing software is learning how to manually add an EOB and post an insurance payment in DrChrono.

Log in to DrChrono and select the “Billing” menu item, then click the “Remittance Reports” option. This is where you will upload the scanned EOB which must be done before posting the payment. On this screen, you will enter all of the necessary information, like the insurance payer name, insurance payer ID, check number and payment amount.

Now that you’ve entered the EOB into the “Remittance Report” section, navigate back to “Billing” and select the “Live Claim Feed” option. Choose the patient and click on the patient visit date. This will take you to the billing details screen which is where you are going to add the insurance payment.

To get started, click on the blue plus icon, which will open a line for you to enter information. You will do this multiple times to input the check number, the insurance payment, and any other amount, such as a copayment. Then select the adjustment reason. When you press the blue button and enter the information from the previous entry, the check date and check number are copied over. Once that’s done, you won’t have to manually enter that information again.

Make sure you click the “Verify and Save” button once you want to save the transaction. You don’t want to lose all of that work you just did!

Eventually this workflow will become more routine to you. If you need help in the meantime, feel free to consult this blog again, or view this support article to guide you through the process of attaching the EOB to the Remittance Report section. You can find plenty of other helpful information in our support library that will assist you in becoming a more proficient user of DrChrono EHR and medical billing software.