Dr. Surinder Saini
Gastroenterologist and Private Practice Owner | Newport Beach, CA
“I found that the speech-to-text technology was very adaptive to my speech style.
I noticed very quickly that if I spoke at my normal pace, or even faster-than-normal, the speech-to-text captured my notes
perfectly. DrChrono’s medical speech-totext has drastically reduced the time I spend charting.
Practice Background
Dr. Surinder Saini, a Southern Californiabased gastroenterologist, implemented the DrChrono EHR platform in his office in August 2011. He has been using medicalspeech-to-text, on his DrChrono EHR iPad app ever since.
“I like technology to adapt to me, rather than the other way around. DrC hrono’s speechto-text and EHR allowed me to do that.”
In the Office
Dr. Saini uses DrChrono’s speech-to-text capability to chart entirely by voice - the technology enables him to eliminate typing entirely.
Dr. Saini has a moderate accent, but he has found that the system is very adaptive and his notes were never compromised.
In addition to saving time, Dr. Saini is able to spend more face-to-face time with his patients rather than with his back to patients while typing on a computer.
Finally, he has found that he is able to create a comprehensive medical assessment via voice, thereby providing more context than traditional notes.
Speech-to-Text Outcomes
- Speech-to-text is a seamless part of the DrChrono EHR
- Speech-to-text notes are a HIPAA compliant alternative to typed notes
- Technology adapted to any speech style
- Speech-to-text creates more comprehensive assessments than typed notes